Stock Control - Serial Numbers

Stock Control - Serial Numbers

Add the stock code to both the Stock header (Items) & the Branch Data.

(The Stock head holds the description, tech details, etc, the branch details holds sell price, and SOH etc)


Firstly add the Item Header if not already there:-  (only needs to be done once)

Inventory Header Entry Screen

And then the Branch Details:-  (only needs to be done once)
For those items with Serial Numbers, turn ON the Lot Control.


Once you have the Items in Stock (another procedure), then you can allocate the Serial Numbers:-

This is done under 'Batch Lots'.



This is in 2 steps.

  1. Enter the Part code & the Serial Number on the front screen.


And then enter it into transactions as well.

Repeat until you have all S/No's entered.



You can now see those serial numbers in the Stock System:-



NOTE:- This has NOT booked the stock Quantities in, that comes from the entry of the Creditors Invoice. We have only added the Serial numbers to the stock code for tracking.

Now, when you go to invoice these goods, the system will ask you to allocate which serial number you are selling. This is then displayed on the Invoice

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