Container Receipting into Stock

Container Receipting into Stock


  • You have received the goods.

  • You have a Purchase Order assigned to the Container, or have each line item assigned to one.

  • The 'on charges' such as freight, duty, gst etc have been posted against the container.

  • The Supplier’s invoice has been posted against the container.

Receive Goods

You are now ready to proceed.

From the Update Shipment screen, TAB 2 - Details

Click on the Receive button


Then click on Cost Enquiry

Cost Enquiry

Click on Do Totals & Excl Matl. We pick up the material cost on the next screen.

You can see that we have Duty & Freight already assigned to the container.


Copy the Cost total shown as we need to transfer this to the main screen. Close that screen.

Back on the main screen, Paste that cost into Import Charges.

Add in the Exchange rate (if AUD = 1) .

Add in the Invoice in F/C value. This is the value shown as Total.



Click on Validate - this checks the Purchase Orders etc


Cost the Shipment

Now we click on Cost Shipment. This spreads the ‘on-costs’ across the items.

The % loading that was applied to the stock is shown. In this case, it is 7.5%.



If you are not happy, or have forgotten something, then you can reset the Landed Costs.


Once all is good, you can go ahead & Post the Container.



Post the Container

Posting Screen appears

  • Enter a Delivery Docket or some other reference number

  • click Post



Procedure Complete

So what has happened in the background.

Stock has been updated.
Lot items are assigned a number & are now available in the Batch Lot system
Purchase Orders are updated noting Over / Under deliveries



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