Despatching an Order

Despatching an Order

Picking an Order

Prepare an Order for Despatch

My Order or All Orders screen

Order Ready for Despatch

With the Order now Picked and Packed for delivery, we are ready to assign it to a freight company.

Click on the Truck Icon

Create Consignment


There is a lot going on here. But you just need to follow a few simple Steps.

  1. Click on the ‘Tag’ check box, this selects the Order for despatch.

    1. You are able to combine multiple Orders onto the 1 consignment. If another Order to the SAME address is in the system, it will appear here.

    2. If the Tag check box is already ticked, un-tick & tick again.

  2. Select the ‘Using Freight’ button.

    1. The screen will now change, showing the freighted item(s).

Freight details pre entered
  1. Check that the weight, type and dimensions are correct. You can add a 2nd pallet for example (click on the '+').

  2. You are now ready to ‘Create New Consignment

    1. This button contacts the freight company, uploads all the details of the consignment, and, if accepted, returns to you the Consignment Number (which will appear in the Consignment Number field), and release the ‘Print A4 Docket’ and ‘Completed - Print Label - Send Email’ buttons.

Print A4 Docket

  • Allows you to print a Delivery Docket, this may or may not be part of your local procedures (the delivery docket is emailed anyway so isn’t strictly necessary).

Completed - Print Label - Send Email

  1. This is the final step

  • A label will be Printed for the Pallet / box etc

    • The Sales Order will be updated with all these details and be marked ready for invoicing.

Attach the Freight Label.


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