Stock Take Procedure
Prior to commencing a system stock take it is necessary to ensure that basic paper work controls are in place for the receipt of merchandise.
That is, if stock has been physically received in and the actual system receiving against delivery docket or invoice has not taken place on the system then an artificial stock gain will be realized. This will then be matched by an artificial stock loss the following stock take.
Where stock has been receipted via the delivery docket, even if the supplier’s invoice has not been processed, the inventory has been correctly processed to the system. Part of the stock take validation should be to ensure that all creditor invoices received after stock take, and for which invoices stock was received prior to stock take, are showing as receipts in the pending Supplier Invoice browse box.
The System Steps:
When creating a stock take run the system takes snap shots of the theoretical stock on hand and average cost and maintains these as separate fields for comparison with the actual stock counts. Consequently, it is not necessary to stop day-to-day processing of receipts, purchases, sales etc as the system will update stock take results by processing entries for the variance between theoretical stock on hand (the snap shot figure) and the actual count.
There are four basic system steps (five with batch lots),
- Print Count Sheets if required.
- Set up a stock take run.
- Enter count results for non batch lot items and reconcile results.
- Finalise stock take for a nominated run
Print Count Sheets
This is located in Reports, Stock, Stock take.
Value ranges, run numbers, periods are not required. When running in bin sequence anything without a bin number will display first so the print to screen should be checked first to see how many pages there without bin numbers.
Set up a stock take run.
This entails nominating the required range of items, branch, product groups (where appropriate) and run number. The system can set the stock take quantity equal to the theoretical stock on hand. However, the default is not to do so.
Batch Lots
Where batch lots are involved it is essential that this parameter remain as ‘N’ for NO. The system will check for the existence of batch lots and if found generate the necessary stock take details for these as well. Where batch lots are involved, the counts should be entered through the appropriate module. When reconciled and complete the Tsf batch Lots job should be run. This ‘rolls up’ the batch lot quantities into their respective ‘parent’ branch item total record. They may be then reviewed here again for final analysis of the overall stock gain/loss for the stock take, including items that are not subject to batch lot control.
- Inventory
- Transactions
- StockTake
- StockTake Entry
- StockTake
- Transactions
- Set a run number (normally '1')
- Set count qty = to on hand
- Click 'Setup Run'
Enter Count results
Enter count results for non batch lot items and reconcile results.The count sheet entry is an edit-in-place browse box and may be selected in code of bin sequence to match the count sheets.
Note: Before finalizing the stock take the result sheets should be printed and checked. They cannot be printed out later.
Finalise stock take for a nominated run. This generates stock transfer entries for stock variances, updates item branch master file stock on hand with the variance, posts general ledger transaction entries for each variance and general ledger total entries for the overall stock gain/loss. This also clears all stock take data and pending run number.
Note: prior to running a finalisation it is essential to have a back up of the system data as the process may not be reversed in the event of a problem.
Stock Take Reset:
If an error is made in the selection criteria for a stock take run then the run may be reset, all values cleared and the set up procedure run again.
Stock Take Reports:
A range of reports covering count sheets and actual stock take gain/loss results are available and are located in the Stock Menu, Reports, Master. These MUST be run before finalisation.
Picking Slips:
If using batch lots, all picking slips pick/allocated MUST be invoiced before a stock take finalisation else a mismatch will occur again between lots and the branch header.
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