JobKeeper Stimulus Package
It's not often we need to send out an Urgent Circular, but now is one of those times.
The ATO have finally released the specifications required to process the Job Keeper subsidy.
SuperChoice (our Sending Service Provider) has completed preliminary testing.
We have had multiple meetings with the ATO regarding changes we need to make to the Payroll system to assist you with claiming.
We are now in final testing, and are in the process of writing the supporting documentation.
As with anything to do with getting money FROM the government it is very complex and prone to error. It is imperative that we get this right from the get go. We will need to work with you to implement these changes within your Payroll.
Subsidy duration and periods
The JobKeeper payment period commenced from Monday 30 March 2020 and will apply for 13 full fortnights until Sunday 27 September 2020.
The ATO will reimburse participating employers monthly in arrears $1,500 for each full fortnight per eligible employee paid by the employer.
The ATO fortnight DOES NOT necessarily correspond to your pay-cycle.
Claim cycle
Employers will be required to notify the ATO of all eligible employees for which they wish to claim the Job Keeper payment after the last day of the last full fortnight in the calendar month. Employers may use the STP pay event to notify the ATO of eligible employees.
Employers will also be required to complete a monthly declaration online.
Report employees with payments subject to withholding in each STP Pay Event on or before payday. The ATO will use this data to assist with reimbursement of Job Keeper subsidy.
From Monday 4 May, eligible employers may apply for the Job Keeper payment on the ATO Business Portal or Online services for agents
Employers must confirm eligible employees have been paid each month to trigger the ATO reimbursement process and provide some other supporting information.
The ATO is the single authority for information on Job Keeper.
If you are not using Minder Payroll, then consider whether you should be, and get in touch asap.
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