General Features
- multi-branch / warehouse locations
- separate branch cost and pricing
- cost and sell related to a quantity: e.g. price per 100
- flag non-stocked items as purchase in on sale or manufacture via a work-order
- flag for lot-control
- general ledger accounts for sale and cost value for user control G/L posting
- build items from kits with auto cost update from the current component average cost
- serial tracking
- categorise stock by: product groups;type status;grade; finish
- link to at least three preferred suppliers (but unlimited if using contract prices)
- supplier item numbers for use on purchase orders
- minimum order and carton size if central ordering (rather than branch based)
- barcode number (used in a derived barcode); these can be allocated sequentially as stock items are added
- parent code to indicate where the item comes from (e.g. stainless steel sheet comes from a specific coil code; this is used in re-order reporting/tracking origin)
- open date of a product
- close date of a product
- replaced by an item code
- replaces an item code
- margin profile for auto generating sell prices using a margin for each price category; the cost base can be average or last
- auto update sell price upon stock receipt using invoice entry
- can be used as the output of of a kit/route or an element
- price-only items where stock-on-hand is not updated
- serial number tracking
- create stocktake runs for a location or item/groups
- continue transaction processing once a run is created with a snap shots of stock-on-hand and cost (providing a count has been done)
- create run with count quantity set to nil or current stock-on-hand
- count entry via edit-in-place on a browse (replace what is there)
- or by accumulating a count entry (multiple bins for an item)
Stock Transfers:
- transfer stock between branch/warehouse locations
- transfer stock to another code
- build items from components
- auto load multiple kit/routes
- copy facilities for inter-location transfer (copy from/to)
- sequence numbers assigned to detail lines: change position; insert between lines
- create transfers and post later: post despatch location content, and receiving branch posts the balance when received
- average cost an item across all locations
- process lot control items: pick/allocate; process a bulk item to new elements; auto populate serial references from a bulk code to the new elements; print pack/lot labels
- pro-rate processing costs to new elements
- auto-generate new lots for processed elements
- pro-rata freight content to receiving location items
- transfer stock to jobs
- transfer stock out and post to various general ledger codes
- a variety of transfer forms are available, and can be custom modified
- create internal processing orders
Stock Receipts:
- direct entry from supplier invoice ( no purchase order raised)
- supplier invoice entry from a purchase order
- delivery docket receipt on a purchase order; the subsequent invoice is matched to the delivery docket receipt, and any variance posted to a selected general ledger account
- an incorrect delivery docket receipt can be: reverse; reprocessed; or reversed and reprocessed on the supplier's invoice
Stock Re-Order:
- maintain min/max reorder quantities on branch/warehouse location master
- auto generate min/max levels based on number of weeks requirement, and selection of past history periods
- manual pick and enter from a query filtered item browse to create pro-forma order quantities for later auto re-order run
- auto re-order based on a selection for run-time variables: branch based or consolidated
- review/print re-order list
- auto generate purchase orders
, multiple selections available,
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