Sales Order -> Warehouse

Sales Order -> Warehouse


The Warehousing Module provides many advantages over the traditional paper based Pick / Pack methodologies.

  • Live updating of the Minder system as orders & items are allocated, picked, packed, con-noted.

  • Integration with freight companies allows Consignment notes to be produced straight from the tablet, eliminating re-keying of the order details into the Freight Company’s website.

  • The delivery docket is emailed to the customer immediately the Consignment note is raised. For Pickups, this means that you no longer need to ring the client to say the order is ready.

  • Freight information, ie Delivery docket number, Consignment number and Items picked update the Sales Order automatically ready for invoicing, no need for further manual intervention. Back Orders are indicated as soon as the Consignment note is created.

  • Multiple deliveries from the same Sales Order are now tracked.

  • The Warehouse system has both a ‘Picked’ and a ‘Checked’ fields, which are automatically updated to allow for auditing.

  • The Picker can see the available stock and it’s Bin location, so no need to look for Stock that doesn’t exist.

  • Plasma / Cut to length items are automatically flagged & appear on that Department’s console. The Docket is coloured Aqua to indicate to the Picker that further processing is required. When the processing occurs, the colour turns Green indicating those items are now ready to be packed.

  • Each Order can be assigned, or re-assigned at will, allowing you to balance the workload in the warehouse.

  • The warehouse loading is shown at the bottom of the ‘All Orders’ screen.

  • Apart for printing Consignment labels, there is no real need to have a printer in the warehouse as the Delivery Docket has already been received by the customer. The option to print is, of course, available from the tablet should you wish to do so.

  • Integration with Detrack allows local deliveries and Pickups the same POD capabilities as the major transport companies.

    • Each truck has the Detrack app on their phone, you also have a Tablet in the pick up area, which the customer signs and / or photo’s taken of the delivery.

Allocating a Sales Order to the Warehouse

When entering a Sales Order, a new button is ‘Release to Store’ available on TAB 2.



Clicking the Release to Store will allocate a Delivery Docket, if this is the first then it will be '1'.





You can view the Delivery Docket on TAB 7.


Tab 7 - Delivery Dockets


TAB 7 - Delivery Docket


Here you can assign the delivery docket to a particular store-person, or just leave blank (to be assigned in the warehouse).




Viewing Progress

As the Order steps through the warehouse, you can see the progress:-

You are able to see:-

  • Pick Time & Date

  • Who Picked the Order

  • The Freight company

  • The Freight Con-note number

  • The Invoice number

  • And what was actually supplied

A completed order

You are also able to

  • Re-print the Delivery Docket (the customer has already received this via email)

Re-print the Delivery Docket
  • Reprint the Invoice



Multiple Deliveries

The Delivery Docket screen also keeps track of multiple deliveries (back orders etc)

Tracking of Back Orders

Lapsing a Warehouse Docket

If the Order has not yet been picked, you are able to lapse it.






Items needing further Processing

Items that require either Plasma or Cut to length for example, are automatically assigned to the appropriate Final Process. In this example, that will be MBCUT:-



See https://xtrasoft.atlassian.net/wiki/x/W4CWdg for selecting those items. And

https://xtrasoft.atlassian.net/wiki/x/CAAqag for printing the Labels


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