Punch Clock - Overview

Punch Clock - Overview

  • The Punch Clock Module in Minder allows the direct recording of Employee hours straight from a web browser base ‘Punch Clock’ into the Payroll system.

  • It provides a simple ‘Punch On / Punch Off’ screen for the employee’s as well as sophisticated Time Sheet review & updating for the Supervisor before Posting into the Payroll system.

  • Employee’s are able to electronically apply for Leave, be it Annual, LSL, Sick etc. The application is emailed from the Punch Clock module to the appropriate authorised officer who can 'Approve' or 'Deny' as appropriate.

  • For the Payroll operator the importation of the Punch Clock hours is simply a single click.

  • A dynamic ‘Attendance’ screen allows a large display of who’s In and who’s Out, as well as any pending leave.

  • Multiple locations can be setup, depending upon different Start / Finish times. So, NSW Warehouse / Factory may be location 20, with the NSW Office as location 21 since they have a different start time.



Here are some early screen shots:-

Punch Clock - Screen Shots


Punch Clock - Employee How To

Punch Clock - Supervisor Menu

Punch Clock - Review Pay Hrs & Post

Punch Clock - Time Sheet Rules

Punch Clock - Doing the Payroll


Punch Clock - Admin Notes



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