Picking an Order

Picking an Order

Log into the Warehouse Portal Logging into the Warehouse portal

Once the Sales Order has been assigned to you (either from within the Sales Order, or from the All Orders screen), it will appear in ‘MyOrders’

MyOrders Screen

At this point nothing has been Picked, so the Consign (Truck) button is disabled.

Sorting Orders

You are able to SORT on:-

  • Priority (# 1 being the most urgent)

  • Docket (do earlier dockets first)

  • Client (so you can pick Orders going to the same place together)

  • Freight (you may have a particular transport which picks up earlier than the rest, so needs picking first)

To Sort, just click on the Column Heading


Prepare Delivery

Click on the First Order, the Order is then Presented over several TABS, you are initially interested in the first 2


Information on the Order, none of which can be edited


You have this screen open whilst Picking the goods.

Picking Goods

As you Pick Items, you either fill in the ‘Picked’ field, or click on the Picked check Box. You will note that the Item Description will go Green, indicating when you are up to on a long list.

Completed Pick

Once you have Picked all available Items, you would

  1. Tick The Pick Done check box.

  2. Move those items to an Assembly Area & indicate this on the screen (there are several available next to the Pick Done check box).

  3. Click Save.

At this point you would either move onto assembly of the next Order, or prepare the Order for Despatch.


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