CR invoice Entry Changing Delivery Docket Value
CR invoice Entry Changing Delivery Docket Value
Procedure for Supplier Invoice Entry via Match DD when Purchase Order value needs to be modified.
Only applies if the variation is more that, say 5%. Less that 5% can just be Processed normally, with the variation going to 'Delivery Docket Variations' in the GL.
In this example, the $128.10 would go to AY51215, the value of the stock would not be changed.
BUT, when we need to modify the Purchase Order the process is:-
Step 1
Reverse the Delivery Docket, 'Undo DD'.
Step 2
Open the Purchase Order in :-
- Purchasing
- Transactions
- Purchase Orders
- Transactions
- Find the line that needs changing & change the value:-
- OK etc
Step 3
- Go Back to Receiving & re-receive the Delivery Docket & then Post the Dkt.
Step 4
You can now complete the entry on the suppliers invoice via:
- Match Invoice Via DD
NOTE, it will have a different receiver number. The Original DD has been reversed.
Now there is NO variance, the stock will be at the new cost:-
OK, and Post
Procedure Complete.
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