Contract Pricing - Export, Update in Excel & Re-Import as a New Profile.

Sometimes it is just easier to manipulate prices outside of Minder. This procedure allows you do to that:-

What we are going to do is use the Query Filter to isolate an existing Price Profile, export it to Excel, update our prices, and then re-import as a New Price Profile into Minder.

Export an Existing Profile to Update:-

  • Debtors

    • Pricing

      • Contract Prices

        • Query

          • Here I’m going to use the existing G8 profile to create a new G9.


Press OK

Now, with the list appropriately Filtered, use Price Profile Export ( at the bottom of the screen) to export that list.





This are my recommended options, but use what works for you. I called the File G9 , because that is what this Contract Price Profile it will become.

Click Save.

Update the Prices In Excel

Open that file in you favorite Spreadsheet package, if you can’t find that, then you will have to use Excel….

We only need the columns :-

  • Account

  • Profile

  • Item

  • Description

  • Price

  • Break Qty

  • Break Price


You can not go through and Update the prices as required. In this Example, I have increased ALL prices by 3%.



  1. We now need to Change Column 'B', which (in this example) is G8, the new Contract Price Profile is G9, so go ahead & bulk update that column now. (Control D from memory)

You can also change the first Column, Account, if you wish to create a new Group Price list. Just make sure it exists in the Debtors Master. Normally the Contract price groups are prefixed with a 'Z' to ensure they appear at the bottom and out of the way.



  1. SAVE your file at this point.

  2. Now go through the new price list and update as required….. When complete, SAVE.


Importing Contract Price Profile into Minder

Once you have completed the price list, we can now import it back into Minder:-

In Minder

  • Debtors

    • Pricing

      • Contract Prices (same screen we Exported from)

At the bottom of that screen is a Price Profile Import button, click that.


Create a New Import Map

You normally only need to do this the very first time, after that you simply load this Import Map.

This will open up the Import function, you can save various mappings here, but let’s create a new one.

  • Click ‘Create a New Import’

  • Enter your file details, you can import xls, xml, xlsx, even csv.

  • Set the Start row to ‘3'. (don’t believe me, check where your data starts in the spreadsheet)

  • Rows = ‘0' (that gets ALL the rows.)

    • Next




This is actually fairly simple, we just wish to eliminate the columns that are not being imported, remember, we are only doing a few columns.

The mapping is correct, but you can go ahead & remove the extra columns if you wish. But, provided your spreadsheet file has those extra columns blank, it isn’t really necessary.

Now click on Import,

Save this format if you wish, it’s a good idea for next time…


Import the Price List

Anyway, either save the Mapping, or click Import. Minder will now import your new Price List.

An xls or xlsx format file will be the slowest, try to use something else, like xml, if possible, to speed things up.



And your done…


Going back to the Browse Contract pricing screen (which is still open), change the Query to filter you new Price List, and you should see it appear ready for use.


And here is my Updated Price List.

Apply the New Profile

What I need to do now is apply this Price Increase to the appropriate Debtor accounts.


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